I have no idea what happened to January, it flew by in a flash! Here is a super quick highlight reel of my recent going's on's, including a beautiful new recipe!
First of all, I bought a camera. This probably seems like a dull random moment to share, but it's a BIG one.
I have been saving and planning for this camera for almost a year. I am not a good spender of money, I hem and haw and get all worried and don't want to make any kind of big purchase. I am the queen of the sale rack, I honestly don't think I have bought an item of clothing for full price EVER. I keep this very nerdy list of potential big purchases that I want. On the list, I write out how each item may have a positive impact in my life (I said nerdy right?). The list is short. Seriously short. Sometimes I will write things like; “curling iron”, and then realize a curling iron costs $14.95 at TJ Maxx and I should probably just go and buy it rather than listing out the virtues of a curling iron.
I don't own a car or a home, I am a New Yorker, and that fits really well with my big purchase phobia.
All of this to say that for me to buy a big girl camera was a HUGE deal. So now, I am learning to use it in hopes that my improved photography will give you that extra nudge you may need to make one of my recipes. Because as much as I love sharing what's going on in my kitchen my intention is to encourage more cooking in your kitchen! I know seeing better food photos will help. So I bought a camera. In other words, it's your fault. Also, I get to practice taking lots and lots of pictures of Penelope. You've been warned.
Ok, highlight number 2: We had a really big snowstorm in NYC and it was awesome. More than 2 feet of snow, and pure magical fun. Have you ever been to NYC in a snowstorm? If not, It should be on your bucket list. Adults metamorphosize (I feel like that is a word, and if it's not it should be) into kids by about the 15th flake. It's crazy. The streets were closed to cars which was merely an invitation for pedestrians to take them over.
And take them over we did. Sledding, snowball fights, you name it! P, Jordan and I were out for hours playing with snow pelting our faces and not a care in the world.
The final highlight of January? a recipe of course! A quick and healthy parsley garlic sauce that takes a whopping 2 minutes to whip together in a blender.
In all the hustle and bustle of healthy January, I really simplified my food routine. I ate a ton of veggies and a bit of organic protein. I've been the queen of simple meals.
Which has been nicely balanced with Jordan's current gumbo obsession.
He has made 3 batches and each one has literally taken him over 10 hours. During one of his gumbo cooking marathons, he brought me the finished product at midnight. I looked up at him with the sweetest eyes and said, “Baby, I really don't think I want gumbo at midnight. Do you think I can taste it tomorrow?”. He said no. I ate it. It was delicious. I had weird crazy dreams and a belly ache for two days, note: gumbo at midnight is not a good idea.
Anyway. In my simple food craze, I whipped up this sauce and fell madly and deeply in love. It quickly went on everything from eggs to potatoes to grains to greens. It is delicious on top of grilled fish or chicken and honestly ideal on my roasted garlic chicken with cauliflower! And wouldn't you know it it's even good on gumbo (don't tell Jordan that part, he will not approve.)
I love a super yummy simple sauce, especially when it's bright green.
Give it a try, will ya?
How was your January? Any highlights to report?
Quick and Healthy Parsley and Garlic Sauce
- 1/2 bunch of fresh parsley chopped
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil
- 1/4 cup of water
- 2 tablespoons of fresh lime juice
- a pinch of sea salt and black pepper
- a pinch of crushed red pepper flake
- Place all ingredients in blender or food processor and blend until smooth.
- Store in an airtight container in the fridge for 7 days.
- Put on EVERYTHING you eat. (seriously. everything)
Lori says
Honestly, I have been putting this on everything. Love it on eggs, love it on steak, love it on chicken…there is nothing I have not found this to be delicious on.